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Drop (2025) 720p.DVDRipDVD9 Torrent Download JFF

Drop (2025) torrent
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Emmy nominee Megan Fahey, a superstar in White Lotus and The Perfect Couple, stars as Violet, a widowed mother on her first date in years. She arrives at an upscale restaurant and is relieved to find her boyfriend, Henry (It Ends with Us’ Brandon Sknar), more charming and handsome than she expected. But their chemistry begins to falter when Violet begins to get angry and then panicked by a series of anonymous text messages on her phone. She is instructed to follow instructions without telling anyone, or the hooded figure she sees on her home’s security cameras will kill Violet’s young son and the babysitter’s sister. Violet must do exactly as instructed, or everyone she loves will die. Her unseen tormentor’s final order? Kill Henry.

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